Midrand now one of the highest growth areas for young buyers

Planning a move? Midrand is part of the bigger Gauteng property market. What time of prospects is Midrand offering now?

How to organise, plan and prepare for a household move

Moving homes can be a tiring and often stressful moment for many people. How should you prepare for a move?

Four healthy money habits to teach your kids

Beyond getting your child's own savings started, teaching your children age appropriate lessons about handling money is important.



Essentials For Your Sweet Home


Building Your Dream Home


Protection For Your Dream Home


Taking Care Of Your Home


Moving From House To House?


Building Material For Your Dream Home


Extra Fencing


Water Splashs For Hot Days


Qualified Plumbers


Interior Designer



Top Tips for Landlords to get their Properties Rented out

Rental property market has gone through some difficult times with many tenants struggling to pay and becoming increasingly price sensitive.

Prioritising Female Leadership in Property

The property industry is led by capable men and women who provide much needed leadership. How much are women contributing in this regard?

Décor mistakes to avoid

Here are some décor tips you can use to make your home the best it can be.

What You Need to Know About Property Co-Ownership

Property co-ownership could be the easiest way to step up the property ladder.

At home date night ideas

Here are some décor tips you can use to make your home the best it can be.